Poem after Easter

A wound like clockwork
ticks through her flesh.

You don’t explain pain
to pain.

It is a clock with no wings
welded to the eternities of the ever smaller,
larger now.

She would break her body
She would break your body

She would crack the world like an egg
to be free,
dip out the dying light like yolk

to make the black body visible.

Had she the coin
of dead men’s eyes
she would gig a timeshare angel

to roll the stone
from the tomb
and ship that rock

back to Sisyphus
to whom it originally belonged.

She the Magdalene
who tells Jesus
not to touch her.

No diminishing of her diminishing,
demiurge, dominion…

sucked into history
daggered into commentaries
her footnotes locked in iron boots
seven leagues wide
all the better to kick down
the doors of imperception.

The spear in her side
throbs like a tuning fork
tapped on the glitter
of the ritual obsidian teardrop.

The weight not dead
but squirming,
from one heaven to another

Random Photo: Sunset on the Sled Hill

A photo a day keeps the Doctor in play.

Bonus grandson.


Sunday Selfie: In a Brancusi Eye


The strange silk of your skin like lava flowing
Across the back of my hand

The heat I can never touch again
I love you regardless

The glass metamorphs back into sand
The drift of grit glowing

With the heat I can never touch again
I love you regardless

Angels climb hot tears like Jacob’s ladder
Ants carrying grains to the queen beneath

The Eden before Eden
I love you regardless

A lost land caught like a speck
a sin in the corner of my eye

The Eden before Eden
I love you regardless

The dervish alphabet spun up
verses I myself wrote, scripture recited by rote

The mote shouting the truth of my lies
I love you regardless

Sunday Selfie: Looking Up

Random Photo: Agonistes

       Then with what trivial weapon came to hand,
       The jaw of a dead ass, his sword of bone,
       A thousand foreskins fell

John Milton, Samson Agonistes

Steal This Meme: Nice Meaning

Where’s Simone B? No doubt kicking some meaning ass while the dudes are hanging out trying to look mean-acing.

Random Photo: He Knows

He knows what you’re thinking.

Random Photo: Dr. Shadow

A photo a day brushing the cobwebs away.

French Quarter, New Orleans, 2021

Random Photo: Then Get Organized!

A photo today may help Capitalism die.

Observed whilst walking the alleys in the Market Street district, Louisville, Kentucky. Long ago, a lover told me, “I’m not a Communist, I’m a Cummunist.” I think of her when every time I see the word communist.

One of my fave Marx quotes:

Money is the external, universal means and power (not derived from man as man nor from human society as society) to change representation into reality and reality into mere representation. It transforms real human and natural faculties into mere abstract representations, i.e. imperfections and tormenting chimeras; and on the other hand, it transforms real imperfections and fancies, faculties which are really impotent and which exist only in the individual’s imagination, into real faculties and powers. In this respect, therefore, money is the general inversion of individualities, turning them into their opposites and associating contradictory qualities with their qualities.

Money, then, appears as a disruptive power for the individual and for the social bonds, which claim to be self-subsistent entities. It changes fidelity into infidelity, love into hate, hate into love, virtue into vice, vice into virtue, servant into master, master into servant, stupidity into intelligence and intelligence into stupidity.

Since money, as the existing and active concept of value, confounds and exchanges everything, it is the universal confusion and transposition of all things, the inverted world, the confusion and transposition of all natural and human qualities.

Karl Marx, 1844