Tag Archives: Moira

From whose womb comes the ice?

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Cold Fates

When the pale sun whelps sundogs,
heraldic blazon of Jack Frost,
and the fallen leaves still burn with dead light

the fates weave cloth of snow,
a hush of rosaries rotating in the loom,
crystal scissors cutting choirs
of angels out of numb air—

Breath deep,
take in the holocaust
of dawn in late autumn.
Take the ember on your tongue,
suck the icy marrow:
By this sacrament
be unhouseled,

When the expelled breath hangs
like a white torch
over a burnt offering
the cold fates can hear you speak. 

Selah. Let us pray.

Today is 8 Ok 18 Yaxk’in

490 shopping days until 4 Ahau 3 K’ank’in.

Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor/Robert Tiso, Glass Harp


Half past love’s labor lost
on a melting watch’s
persistent memory,

half past the half life
of the lithium chorus
singing out the lauds and matins

like a bach fugue
played on water harmonica
and glockenspiel,

Lachesis measures out the bolt
laced like a suture
through the wounded heart—

a live wire—
thread of lightning
whipcracking the air

from the coil
to Tesla’s outstretched hand
as he allows his body

to be crucified by light
in this passion play
of Dr. Electric.

“therefore I will wail and howl,
I will go stripped and naked:
I will make a wailing
like the dragons,
and mourning as the owls”