Tag Archives: shooting

Today is 2 Kawak 17 Pohp

1341 shopping days until 4 Ahau 3 K’ank’in.



The tenth anniversary of the Columbine “shooting” is here and it really does seem like yesterday. Due to the work of journalist Dave Cullen, and others, anyone who wants it can have the truth: The incident was not the shooting spree of two outcast losers revenging perceived slights and abuse by jocks, teachers, popular kids, happy and well-adjusted Christians, blacks, or anyone else. It was a botched bombing, meant to emulate and surpass Timothy McVeigh’s  Oklahoma City bombing. Harris and Klebold intended to demolish the school and kill as many people as possible, indiscriminately. Everyone, regardless of race, creed, or color. They planned for a year. The “shooters” were teenage domestic terrorists. The shooting was just  desultory, ad hoc havoc committed after their bombs failed to wreak the planned dammerung of destruction.  Harris and Klebold failed. They meant to kill hundreds and only got thirteen, plus themselves.

The media mythologers of pop journalism got it completely wrong. We all got it wrong, in detail and overall. For an instance, Cassie Bernal, the 17 year old instant Christian martyr, who in the myth affirmed her faith in God before her nihilist inquisitor shot her to death, did no such thing. Valeen Schurr, who was shot but survived, got the loaded question, “Do you believe in God?” and answered “Yes.” However, a proper martyr has to die for her faith, so in the myth Bernal got Schurr’s line.

Harris and Klebold were neither of them members of the “Trench Coat Mafia.” They were not goths or gamer geeks; they weren’t lonely losers. Had friends. Went to the Prom. They were pretty normal. Outwardly. But for the purposes of myth evil must ideally be pure and entirely other.  If the facts are inconvenient we tend to alter them towards the mythic ideal. Banal evil must be tarted up. The killer kids must be monsters rather than disturbingly average middleclass teens; their parents demonized for breeding the monsters; outgroups like the above mentioned “Mafia,” goths, and geeks stigmatized as the nests wherein these vipers grew ripe with venom, so that any kid that fit an outgroup profile was looked at suspiciously as a possible mass killer.

Ten years later, some people know better. Some. Myth is a survivor. A wave in the shallows propagates faster than a wave in deep water. Myth is the big wave crashing into the shallows. Hannah Arendt thought evil was flat and shallow, that it had no depth. Seems to me that stupidity, particularly moral stupidity, is out in the flats, in the shallows. Stupid propagates faster than thoughtful. 

Harris and Klebold, pop-psychologized to a fair thee well, became ghosts, disembodied animus, boogies in a tale told to give shape and contained meaning to shapeless, uncontained fears.  I participated in my own way in this collective endeavor. I wrote a poem (at Clarissa’s request) called Little Mother at Columbine, and it was duly published in Andrei Codrescu’s Exquisite Corpse, and on my blog. I’m no longer satisfied with this poem, haven’t been for some time, long before I found out about the new assessment of the facts of the case.  I really like bits and pieces of it, but as whole it doesn’t hold up–for me–but I’m just the poet and what do I know about it? There’s no irony intended in that last question, by the way. Here is the last bit:

Little mother cannot listen 
to the sermon anymore, 
its words are too heavy 
to lift to her ears. 
Such kind words bespeak 
a kind of inattention, 
a lack of feeling for this landscape 
and its inhabiting spirits. 
The sentimental journey 
in signs and parables; 
the ten commandments 
in 12 easy steps; 
hope, faith, and charity 
filing for Chapter 13, 
the greatest of these 
is no virtue, 
when you are trying 
to pay attention, 
and you can bet her life, 
little mother is paying attention.

VAHALLA, A Personal Argument for Gun Control



Today I heard someone making the usual arguments that most people who own guns don’t kill people, and that people buy guns to defend their homes and persons against bad people, those other people who use guns to rob, injure, or kill good people, the people who buy guns to defend themselves against the other bad people with guns. I hope I have stated this someone’s argument in a way that makes manifest its clarity and elegant circularity.

Now I have a confession to make: I like guns, own a gun, and am seduced by the beauty of the evil incorporated a well made gun designed solely for killing and maiming one’s fellow creatures.

I like knives, too. Sometimes, for that special someone, shooting just isn’t up close and personal enough.

In my humble opinion, people who buy guns for self defense want to shoot people, want an excuse to shoot people, and want a gun handy to shoot the people should the proper occasion arise and the excuse provided. As recent events have demonstrated, the excuse threshold is lower for some than others. Most gun owners under most circumstances are Walter Mitty shooters and only dream of shooting someone.

Now, as gun owner, I don’t exempt myself from the statement I just made. Let me repeat: I like guns, and am seduced by the beauty of the evil incorporated a well made gun designed solely for killing and maiming one’s fellow creatures. I’m currently in the Walter Mitty category in so far as shooting people goes.

But I’m thinking of starting a gun club for liberals called VAHALLA, the Very Angry Heavily Armed Liberals & Leftists Association. Should the teabagging wingers currently hinting at insurrection actually resort to armed violence I am ready to take up my firearms to defend home and country against them. I am ready to shoot them. In fact, I’d be happy to. That will be the occasion that will provide my excuse.

I bear the Mark of Cain the same as the assorted wingers I accused in my previous post. My point is that every human being on Earth has murder in their hearts, myself included. We are complicated creatures and we have a lot of things in our hearts, but murder is part of the mix. Anyone who denies this darkness in their hearts I personally would not trust within grabbing distance of a firearm.

Last Sunday I attended the Tulsa Gun Show. It’s held at the Fairgrounds less than a mile from my house, and it’s one of the largest, if not the largest, gun show in the country. You can buy a gun there as easily as you can buy a candy bar; easier than that if you can find one of the skulking freelancers in the parking lot. They don’t let you take pictures there–possibly because of all the booths that sell Nazi memorablia–but if you’ve never been to the Gun Show, believe me the sight of this massive orgy of upstanding Aryan-Americans exercising their rights under the Second Amendment of the Constitution is downright awe-inspiring. Mindblowing.

Watching dozens of white middle-aged guys wandering around with 4 or 5 assault rifles over their shoulders like so many golf clubs definitely made me feel like I needed to buy at least one for me, to defend myself from the likes of these gun crazy creeps. But I didn’t buy one. Yet. I want to get a nice short barreled pump shotgun first.

Now, I’ve already confessed that I find the death-dealing beauty of firearms seductive. I admitted I have murder in my heart. I’ve as much as said I’d like to shoot someone, give the right set of circumstances. Did I mention that I’m a Manic Depressive who drinks a bit?

The question you want to ask yourself is, do you want a person like me to be able to buy, with untracable cash in hand, a military grade assault rifle and all the ammo I can carry–as easily as I can buy a Mars Bar and a six pack at the corner Quikie Mart? Well, do ya–Punk?

That is my personal argument for stricter gun control.