Tag Archives: umbrella

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A photo a day keeps the Doctor in play.

It’s raining. A downpour, with thunder. The muse is my umbrella.

Fides Ex Auditu

Word comes like lightning
so says the rain.
Rain leaves by arriving
so says the wind.
Wind falls by rising
so says the thunder.
Thunder lies by rolling
so says the lover.
Love comes by going
so says the river.
The river rolls by whispering
so says the listener.
Faith comes by listening.

Bumbershoot Alley

rain gnome twk

I am a native of “Tornado Alley.” I was born and raised in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. One summer evening in 1979, at about 11pm, I left the Town Tavern on Campus Corner in Norman, Oklahoma, after a tiff with my ride, and walked home to my apartment off Classen Blvd. in Oklahoma City.  The stroll, maybe 25-30 miles from door to door, took about 6 hours. I crossed farm fields in the dark (dark dark) under splendid stars,  following the big dipper, right across the track of devastation plowed across Moore by the recent EF5 tornado.

In 1979 there was still open land between the suburbs of Norman and Moore. According to the U.S. Census Population Clock, nearly 316 million people now live in the United States; that’s roughly 90 million more people than 1979, all requiring living space. Many of them live on paved over farmland like Moore, Oklahoma. The increasing destruction wreaked by tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, and so on may or may not be partially due to the destabilizing effects of a warming global atmosphere, but it looks to me there is increased devastation because there are that many more of us, and all our stuff, to be devastated.

I am now resident in what I am pleased to call “Bumbershoot Alley.” Louisville, Kentucky is a milder and wetter clime than Oklahoma City. The Ohio Valley does see its share of thunderstorms, but trust me, the weather here is not near as crashy-bangy as plains Oklahoma. Rain falls often enough, mildly enough, particularly in Spring, that people often carry umbrellas. I rather like living in a place where carrying a bumbershoot is not an affectation.

A week or so ago the right wing infotainment nexus blew up a fine little bumbershoot storm. A Marine held an umbrella over the Kenyan Usurper, which allegedly blasphemed some sacred Levitical Marine umbrella ordnance:


This only increased my pleasure in walking under an open umbrella in the fine Spring rain. Using an old selfie I made a little meme about it:

open umbrella meme 1

Rain is falling in Old Louisville right now. Time to walk my umbrella.